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JPA2.0 property access in spring rest data -- some getters not being called

I am still somewhat of a novice with Spring Boot and Spring Data Rest and hope someone out there with experience in Accessing by Property. Since I cannot change a database which stores types for Letters in an unnormalized fashion (delimited string in a varchar), I thought that I could leverage some logic in properties to overcome this. However I notice that when using property access, some of my getters are never called.

My Model code:

package ...
import ...

@Table(name="letters", catalog="clovisdb")
public class Letter {

  public enum PhoneticType {
    public static boolean contains(String s) { ... }
  public enum PositionType {
    public static boolean contains(String s) { ... }
  public enum CaseType {
    public static boolean contains(String s) { ... }

  private int id;
  private String name;
  private String translit;
  private String present;
  private List<PhoneticType> phoneticTypes;
  private CaseType caseType;
  private PositionType positionType;

  public int getId() { return id; }
  public void setId(int id) { = id; }

  public String getName() { return name; }
  public void setName(String name) { = name; }

  public String getTranslit() { return translit; }
  public void setTranslit(String translit) { this.translit = translit; }

  public String getPresent() { return present; }
  public void setPresent(String present) { this.present = present; }

  public String getTypes() { 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //
    if (phoneticTypes!=null) for (PhoneticType type : phoneticTypes) sb.append(" ").append(;
    if (caseType!=null) sb.append(" ").append(;
    if (positionType!=null) sb.append(" ").append(;
    return sb.substring( sb.length()>0?1:0 );
  public void setTypes(String types) {
    List<PhoneticType> phoneticTypes = new ArrayList<PhoneticType>();
    CaseType caseType = null;
    PositionType positionType = null;
    for (String val : Arrays.asList(types.split(" "))) {
        String canonicalVal = val.toUpperCase();
        if (PhoneticType.contains(canonicalVal)) phoneticTypes.add(PhoneticType.valueOf(canonicalVal));
        else if (CaseType.contains(canonicalVal)) caseType = CaseType.valueOf(canonicalVal);
        else if (PositionType.contains(canonicalVal)) positionType = PositionType.valueOf(canonicalVal);
    this.phoneticTypes = phoneticTypes; 
    this.caseType = (caseType==null)? CaseType.ALL : caseType;
    this.positionType = (positionType==null)? PositionType.ALL : positionType;

  public String toString() {  ....  }


My Repository/DAO code:

package ...
import ...

public interface LetterRepository extends CrudRepository<Letter, Integer> {
  List<Letter> findByTypesLike(@Param("types") String types);

Hitting this URI: and setting breakpoints on all the getters and setters, I can see that the properties are called in this order:

 (getId not called)
 (getTypes not called !!)

The json returned for the URI above reflects all the getters called, and there are no errors

 "name" : "alpha",
 "translit" : "`A/",
 "present" : "Ἄ",
 "_links" : {
  "self" : {
    "href" : ""

But why is my getTypes() not being called and my JSON object missing the “types” attribute? I note that the setter is called, which makes it even stranger to me.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance


  • That's probably because you don't have a field types, so getTypes() isn't a proper getter. Try adding this to your entity

    private String types;

    I don't know how the inner works, but it's possible that the class is first scanned for its fields, and then a getter is called for each field. And since you don't have types field, the getter isn't called. Setter getting called could be a feature but I wouldn't be surprised if it is a bug, because findByTypesLike should translate to find Letters whose types field is like <parameter>, and types is not a field.

    Another thing you can try, is to annotate that getter with @JsonInclude. Jackson 2 annotations are supported in Spring versions 3.2+ (also backported to 3.1.2).