As it is said in the title I am trying to create a code which converts a postfix notation to an expression tree. Here you can check the constructor :
public byte type; // 0 : operator, 1: operand (a number)
public char operator; // One of '+', '-', '*', '/'
public int operand; // A number
ExpressionTreeNode(byte type){this.type = type; left=right=null;}
and Here is my code :
public static ExpressionTreeNode Postfix2ExpressionTree(String postfixExpr){
Stack s = new Stack<Object>();
ExpressionTreeNode root = new ExpressionTreeNode((byte) 0);
root.operator = postfixExpr.charAt(postfixExpr.length()-1);
String number = "";
for(int i = 0;i<postfixExpr.length()-1;i++){
if(Character.isDigit(postfixExpr.charAt(i)) == true){
number = number + postfixExpr.charAt(i);
if(Character.isDigit(postfixExpr.charAt(i+1)) == false){
ExpressionTreeNode node = new ExpressionTreeNode((byte) 1);
node.operand = Integer.valueOf(number);
node.right = null;
node.left = null;
number = "";
if(i == postfixExpr.length()-2){
root.right = (ExpressionTreeNode) s.pop();
root.left =(ExpressionTreeNode) s.pop();
else {
if(postfixExpr.charAt(i) == '+' || postfixExpr.charAt(i) == '*' || postfixExpr.charAt(i) == '-' || postfixExpr.charAt(i) == '/' ){
ExpressionTreeNode node = new ExpressionTreeNode((byte)0);
node.operand = postfixExpr.charAt(i);
node.right = (ExpressionTreeNode) s.pop();
node.left = (ExpressionTreeNode) s.pop();
return (ExpressionTreeNode) s.pop();
I check every character one by one with charAt() method. Simply 1-push every operand into the stack 2-when operator is encountered pop two operand from the stack and assign them to right and left of operator then push the new node to the stack. 3- and finally I push the root to the stack then return it.
No error occurs when I try to run but also it is not working in the right way too. I checked the code many times but I couldn't solve it.If anyone sees the mistake and help me , that would be great.
A postfix expression is parsed from left to right - don't look at postfixExpr.length()-1 before you are there.
Do not create and handle a root node in any special way. It will be top of the stack after the parse.
Here's an error:
node.operand = postfixExpr.charAt(i);
This must be stored in node.operator.
This is how I would implement it:
public interface Entry {
int evaluate();
public class Value implements Entry {
private int value;
public Value( int value ){
this.value = value;
public int evaluate(){
return value;
public class Operation implements Entry {
private char operator;
private Entry left;
private Entry right;
public Operation( char operator, Entry left, Entry right ){
this.operator = operator;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
public int evaluate(){
int l = left.evaluate();
int r = right.evaluate();
case '+':
return l + r;
case '-':
return l - r;
case '*':
return l * r;
case '/':
return l / r;
throw new IllegalStateException( "operator " + operator );
public class Parser {
private Stack<Entry> stack = new Stack<>();
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile( "[-+*/]" );
Scanner scanner;
public void parse( String ex ){
scanner = new Scanner( ex );
while( scanner.hasNext() ){
while( scanner.hasNextInt() ){
stack.push( new Value( scanner.nextInt() ) );
while( scanner.hasNext( pat ) ){
char op = pat ).charAt( 0 );
Entry right = stack.pop();
Entry left = stack.pop();
stack.push( new Operation( op, left, right ) );
public Entry get(){
return stack.pop();
There is absolutely no error handling, so think about adding that.