I am trying to hide some files in my pc. If I hide them normally the show hidden files and folder option will still show the file in transparent form.
I have used "attrib +a +s +r +h file" command but it still shows up.
How can I really hide the files properly. Like some hide your files programs can do.
Programming Language: Java or C#;
EDIT: There is a free program that can do this on folders. How do they do it?
If it's a OS problem then there might be a way to this using win32 api. It's probably possible in c# but I don't know how.
Want to hide some files and programming a program do it are different story. A hide files software do it job by write some file system filter module (kernel or user space), or via api hooking(it OS spefify). If you just want to hide some files, use a software like http://www.wisecleaner.com/wisefolderhider.html on Windows. If you want to make it your own, you'll need more research on it.