With the code below, I want the status th to toggle showReturned and update the filteredResults on the page.
This doesn't seem to be happening however as a change in the query param doesn't automatically trigger callbacks like refreshing the model or in this case, updating the filteredResults.
How do I get a click on the status th to update the filteredResults on the page?
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
showReturned: false,
queryParams: ['showReturned'],
filteredResults: function() {
var articles = this.get('model');
var showReturned = this.get('showReturned');
if (showReturned) {
return articles;
} else {
return articles.filterBy('state', 'borrowed');
actions: {
setShowReturned: function() {
return false;
<th>Borrowed since</th>
<th {{action "setShowReturned"}}> Status</th>
FYI there's a standard property for what you call filtered results--arrangedContent
if you want to use that.
You did not include the queryParam as a dependency:
filteredResults: function() {
}.property('model.@each.state', 'showReturned'),