// 1
Mexpression = Mterm >> *(
'+' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '+', _2)]
| '-' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '-', _2)]
Mterm = Mfactor >> *(
'*' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '*', _2)]
| '/' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '/', _2)]
Mfactor = Unpack
| '+' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<UnaryNode>('+', _1)]
| '-' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<UnaryNode>('-', _1)]
| '(' >> Mexpression >> ')';`
`Error 2 error C2664: 'BinaryNode::BinaryNode(const BinaryNode &)' : cannot convert argument 3 from 'boost::mpl::void_' to 'anExpression *' c:\boost_1_55_0\boost\spirit\home\phoenix\object\detail\new_eval.hpp 41 1 ConsoleApplication1
Error 1 error C2338: index_is_out_of_bounds c:\boost_1_55_0\boost\spirit\home\support\argument.hpp 103 1 ConsoleApplication1 `
c:\boost_1_55_0\boost\spirit\home\support\argument.hpp(166) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::spirit::result_of::get_arg<boost::fusion::vector1<Attribute &>,1>' being compiled with
Attribute=anExpression *
I'm coding a translator for a model language (there are several ebnf with main compositions given as a task.) and stuck somewhere at arithmetical operations.
(see 1 in paste)
here's a model to parse math' exprs,
unpack is somenode, something that can be executed, converted to anExpression *, and given as arg to BinaryNode
there are following rules.
qi::rule<Iterator, anExpression *()> Unpack;
qi::rule<Iterator, anExpression *()> Mexpression, Mterm, Mfactor;
anExpression is an abstract class (Binary and Unary are public anExpression)
while compiling the whole program I have following errors:
I think that error 2 is the most important thing to fix first.
something like this in build log fig3
okay, I think that the mistake is in my way of semantic actions. I think there's not Mterm (or Mfactor) in _2 placeholder. there's something I'm doing wrong with this way of using semantics actions and alternative parser ( '|' )
I'll be glad to hear any ideas from you guys =)
Mexpression = Mterm >> *(
'+' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '+', _2)]
| '-' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '-', _2)]
Can't work indeed. You'd need to temporarily store the result attribute of the lhs Mterm
. Luckily you should be able to use the result of the rule itself to do this:
Mexpression = Mterm [qi::_val = qi::_1] >> *(
'+' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(qi::_val, '+', qi::_1)]
| '-' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(qi::_val, '-', qi::_1)]
However you may have to accomodate this in the constructor for your BinaryNode
This said:
That said, this kind of expression combination is about the only point where I think semantic actions can still be considered idiomatic in Spirit. The dynamic allocations most certainly are not.