I upgraded from GXT 2.2 to 2.3.1a to prep for an upgrade to 3.x (it's gonna be painfull). Looks like there is a bug in MenuItem which can be fixed by overridding a method in MenuItem or the gxt-all.css for 2.3.1a. (search for: migration-to-gxt2.3.1-grid-header-menu-no-longer-displays-properly. on the Sencha Forum; sorry, troubles getting a link to work here :(
Anybody have a link to a site where I can download this (and whatever else I need). All I got are the distributed JAR files. Thanx. ~r
2.3.1 is only available for support subscribers. You can download 2.3.0 here: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/gxt-2.3.0.zip
Although, your problem seems to be fixable only by overwriting the MenuItem class, like this:
Overwrite the onRender()-Method in com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.menu.MenuItem.java and change setElement(DOM.createSpan(), target, index); to setElement(DOM.createAnchor(), target, index);