I am attempting to use a jquery plugin https://github.com/eAdnan007/jquery-countdown Below is my html and JS. I have tried multiple settings and being fairly new to JQuery am not having any luck. I know my settings are wrong but can't seem to figure out what exactly they are supposed to be.
<div class="progressWrap">
<div class="fullbar"></div>
<div class="progress deal1" style="width:0%"></div>
<div class="timer deal1"></div>
end_time: "2014/12/10 16:06:28",
progress : 1,
update_progress: (20,$('.progress.deal1')),
onComplete: function() {
$('.timer').replaceWith("<div class=\"timer ended\">Deal Over</div>");
I know I need to have both progress: and update_progress but to me the directions inthe git are far from clear. Bewlow are the instructions from the above linked git:
There dom element which should display the progressbar. False if you don't want to display.
Function to process the progress for the preogress bar. It receives two arguments, Percentage of progress (0-100) and The dom element containing the progressbar.
Any help is appreciated as I am now lost and know my settings are completely wrong. Thanks!
Here is a JSFiddle with some css added so you can see what is going on: http://jsfiddle.net/L7n5hc43/1/
I have linked the fiddle to the External JS mentioned in the git. I get some errors in the console, but again I do not know enough about JQuery to be able to really trouble shoot the issue.
Ok I figured it out thanks to eAdnan007 (the owner of the plugin) for anyone that is looking, here is a JSFiddle that shows the updated code in action http://jsfiddle.net/L7n5hc43/4/
Here is the updated JQuery:
end_time: '2014/12/19 17:00:00', //Time Progress bar is at 100% and timer runs out
start_time: '2014/12/14 08:00:00', //Time when the progress bar is at 0%
progress: $('.progress.deal1'), //There dom element which should display the progressbar.
onComplete: function() {
$('.timer.deal1').replaceWith("<div class=\"timer ended\">Deal Over</div>");
I needed to add the start_time for when the progress bar would be 100%, you can play with the date and time to get the progress bar to be less or more on your actual start time. I would use this for increasing or decreasing the progress if there is a delay or advancement in progress but not in the end date.
Also the "update_progress" was not needed just the "progress" function to identify the proper DOM element.
Thanks everyone for stopping by and trying to help out!