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how to upload video to azure media services from aws s3

I would like to know how we can upload the video files to azure media services from aws s3 buckets using the API (JAVA). I have checked the documentations and samples everywhere and couldn't find any reference on how to upload the video from s3 to the media services.

I was able to upload to the azure storage. But i want to upload to the media services to create streaming urls.


  • We don't have any method to directly transfer the data between S3 and Azure, We can get the InputStream from Amazon S3 and write them to Azure storage.

    To get InputStream from S3, use this

    AWSCredentials awsCredentials = awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
    AmazonS3Client amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(awsCredentials);
    InputStream is = amazonS3.getObject(bucket, filePath).getObjectContent();