I am working with Sencha Touch and I have the next codeline
var formpanel = button.getParent().getParent().down('formpanel'); //working correctly but tricky
I am using two "getParent()" because the "up" method is not working for me
var formpanel = button.up('formpanel'); //No-working
and the view
items: [
xtype: 'toolbar',
title: 'test',
docked: 'top',
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
iconCls: 'info',
'margin-left': '75em'
xtype: 'formpanel',
layout: 'hbox',
scrollable: null,
items: []
Any clue?
It will not work because according to sencha docs:
up( [selector] ) :
Walks up the ownerCt axis looking for an ancestor Container which matches the passed simple selector.
So, in your case button's ancestors are the toolbar and the parent of toolbar,but not the formpanel.Using up()
you can get toolbar or parent of toolbar, but not the formpanel.Instead of that you can use following codes:
First Code
var formpanel = button.up(<XtypeOfToolbarParent>).down('formpanel');
Second Code: similar to getParent()
var formpanel = button.up().up().down('formpanel');