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Currency formatting with pureComputed

I want to format numbers in a comma separated fashion. I have found this jsfiddle which caters to my requirement. I need to add another pureComputed value for my vm, and I tried it with this way by modifing modified jsfiddle.

However, I'm getting an error in console saying:

Unable to process binding "text: function (){return Test }" Message: undefined is not a function.

What am I missing here? my js is

(function ($) {
var cleanInput = function (value) {
    return parseFloat(value.replace(/[^0-9.-]/, ''));

var formatInput = function (value) {
    toks = value.toFixed(2).replace('-', '').split('.');
    var display = $.map(toks[0].split('').reverse(), function (elm, i) {
        return [(i % 3 == 0 && i > 0 ? ',' : ''), elm];
    }).reverse().join('') + '.' + toks[1];

    return value < 0 ? '(' + display + ')' : display;
} = {
    init: function (elm, valueAccessor) {
        $(elm).change(function () {
    update: function (elm, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
        var value =ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor())
        $elm = $(elm),
        method = $":input") ? "val" : "html";

        $elm[method](formatInput(value)).toggleClass('negative', value < 0);

var viewModel={
    Test : ko.pureComputed(function() {
        return (self.Cash() * 10).toFixed(0);



  • Your view model definition is worng: there is no self defined anywhere in your code.

    You need to turn your viewmodel into a constructor function where you can define now the self to point to the this

    var ViewModel = function() {
        var self = this;
        self.Cash = ko.observable(1234.56);
        self.Test = ko.pureComputed(function() {
            return (self.Cash() * 10).toFixed(0);
    ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

    Demo JSFiddle.

    In you want to keep the object literal as your viewmodel you need to add the computed after you've created the viewmodel:

    var viewModel = {
        Cash: ko.observable(1234.56)
    viewModel.Test = ko.pureComputed(function () {
        return (ViewModel.Cash() * 10).toFixed(0);

    Demo JSFiddle.

    See also: Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions