New to AngularJs I'm trying to train by building a single page Todo Application. The problem is, I'm having trouble loading a localStorage factory I'm trying to use for this. At the moment i'm stuck on the following error :
Undefined is not a function at on app.js line 11.
Here's the code :
angular.module('TodoAngular', ['ngRoute'])
.config(function($routeProvider) {
'use strict';
var routeConfig = {
controller: 'TodoController' ,
templareUrl: 'app/partials/TodoList.html',
resolve: {
store: function (todoAngularStorage) {
// Récupère le module qui gère le localStorage
return todoAngularStorage.then(function (module) {
module.get(); // Récupère les données
return module;
.when('/todos', routeConfig)
redirectTo: '/todos'
.factory('todoAngularStorage', function ($http,$injector) {
'use strict';
return $injector.get('localStorage');
.factory('localStorage', function($q) {
'use strict';
var STORAGE_ID = 'todoAngularLocalStorage';
var store = {
todos: [],
//récupérer depuis le local storage
_getFromLocalStorage: function(){
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_ID) || '[]');
//enregistrer dans le local storage
_saveToLocalStorage: function (todos) {
localstorage.setItem(STORAGE_ID, JSON.stringify(todos));
//supprimer un Todo
delete: function (todo) {
//instanciation de l'API Deferred
var deferred = $q.defer();
store.todos.splice(store.todos.indexOf(todo), 1);
return deferred.promise;
//récupérer les todos
get: function () {
//instanciation de l'API Deferred
var deferred = $q.defer();
angular.copy(store._getFromLocalStorage(), store.todos);
return deferred.promise;
//ajouter un todo à la fin de la todo list
insert: function (todo) {
//instanciation de l'API Deferred
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
return store;
I've been trying to debug it and it appears that the problem comes from the 'module' passed in the function in the following line of my app.js
return todoAngularStorage.then(function (module) {
I've been following this example ( while building my app and I really don't see where's my mistake at the moment.
Your localStorage
service factory is returning an object that doesn't have any property called then
. You're then returning the same object from todoAngularStorage
factory and trying to use then
property of the returned value as a function, hence your error. It looks like you just wanted to do this:
return todoAngularStorage.get().then(function () {
return todoAngularStorage;
As a sidenote, you should be able to find this out by debugging (setting a breakpoint at the place where the problem is and looking at the variable values) and looking at your code (where did that value come from).