I'm trying to cache a html file containing some angular variables, but when I append the file contents to dom, all the variables are just plain text like {{ variable.name.here }}
I'm retrieving the html file with $http.get like this:
$templateCache.put('raiseErrorBlock', res.data);
...and this is the raise-error.html (part of it):
<div id="raiseError" ng-show="errorParams.raise" class="slide-down">
<div class="raiseErrorWrapper">
<div class="rew-header">
<i class="fa fa-bug"></i>
<span class="rewh-title">{{ errorParams.title }}</span>
I'm running the $http.get inside run() block for any matter.
EDIT: from what i can see it's a templateCache issue. Does templateCache have support for variables or it can only cache static data?
You have to use $compile
service to make angular expressions work properly.
var $el = $compile('<div>{{myData}}</div>')(scope);
$body.append($el); // wrapped $body with jqLite
As ngdoc says:
$compile - Compiles an HTML string or DOM into a template and produces a template function, which can then be used to link scope and the template together.
You can also use shorter method of storing something in $templateCache eg.
$http.get('http://myserver.com/file.html', {
cache: $templateCache
}).then(function(response) {
// do sth
I also created plnkr for you. Hope it will help you. http://plnkr.co/edit/ls4kllAvdVb3qMvm3mBA?p=preview