I'm writing a Java CGI client to talk to PHP-CGI but I've hit a bump, my php $_POST
is not filling with any data while I'm definitely sending some. I have no idea why it's doing this and I can't find this problem anywhere.
I use clean php binaries directly from windows.php.net without any edits.
Here's the code I'm using to test right now:
public static void main(String[] args)
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
String body = "data=Foo+Bar";
String queryString = "yes=no&a=b";
String requestMethod = "POST";
String contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
String contentLength = Integer.toString( body.length() );
String docRoot = "D:/http test";
String scriptName = "/index.php";
String scriptFileName = docRoot + scriptName;
String pathInfo = "";
String pathTranslated = docRoot + pathInfo;
String requestUri = scriptName + pathInfo + ("?" + queryString);
String documentUri = scriptName + pathInfo;
String serverProtocol = "HTTP/1.1";
String gatewayInterface = "CGI/1.1";
map.put( "QUERY_STRING" , queryString);
map.put( "REQUEST_METHOD" , requestMethod);
map.put( "CONTENT_TYPE" , contentType);
map.put( "CONTENT_LENGTH" , contentLength);
map.put( "SCRIPT_FILENAME" , scriptFileName);
map.put( "SCRIPT_NAME" , scriptName);
map.put( "PATH_INFO" , pathInfo);
map.put( "PATH_TRANSLATED" , pathTranslated);
map.put( "REQUEST_URI" , requestUri);
map.put( "DOCUMENT_URI" , documentUri);
map.put( "DOCUMENT_ROOT" , docRoot);
map.put( "SERVER_NAME" , "localhost" );
map.put( "SERVER_PROTOCOL" , serverProtocol);
map.put( "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" , gatewayInterface);
Client c = new Client( "" , 8090 );
System.out.println("\n" + c.doRequest( map , body ));
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class Client
private Socket socket;
public Client( String host, int port ) throws UnknownHostException, IOException
socket = new Socket( host, port );
public String doRequest( Map<String, String> params, String content ) throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream paramBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for ( Entry<String, String> param: params.entrySet() )
paramBytes.write( nvpair( param.getKey() , param.getValue() ) );
Packet beginRequest = new Packet( FCGI.BEGIN_REQUEST, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, new byte[] { 0, FCGI.RESPONDER, FCGI.KEEP_CONN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } );
Packet requestParams = new Packet( FCGI.PARAMS, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, paramBytes.toByteArray() );
Packet requestContent = new Packet( FCGI.STDIN, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, content.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) );
OutputStream stream = socket.getOutputStream();
stream.write( beginRequest.getBytes() );
stream.write( requestParams.getBytes() );
stream.write( requestContent.getBytes() );
return readResponse();
private String readResponse() throws IOException
InputStream stream = socket.getInputStream();
// TODO buffering
String out = null;
for ( Packet p = new Packet( stream ); p.getType() != FCGI.END_REQUEST; p = new Packet( stream ) )
System.out.print( p.getType() + ", " );
if ( p.getType() == FCGI.STDOUT )
out = new String( p.getContent() );
return out;
public byte[] nvpair( String name, String value )
int nl = name.length();
int vl = value.length();
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream( nl + vl + 10 );
if ( nl < 128 )
bytes.write( b( nl ) );
bytes.write( new byte[] { b( nl >> 24 ), b( nl >> 16 ), b( nl >> 8 ), b( nl ) } );
if ( vl < 128 )
bytes.write( b( vl ) );
bytes.write( new byte[] { b( vl >> 24 ), b( vl >> 16 ), b( vl >> 8 ), b( vl ) } );
bytes.write( name.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) );
bytes.write( value.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) );
return bytes.toByteArray();
catch( IOException e )
return null;
public byte b( int i )
return (byte) i;
echo "Hello World\n";
echo "REQUEST = "; print_r($_REQUEST);
echo "GET = "; print_r($_GET);
echo "POST = "; print_r($_POST);
echo php_ini_loaded_file(), "\n";
echo file_get_contents("php://input"), "\n";
echo php_sapi_name();
And his is the result I'm getting:
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.3
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
<pre>Hello World
[yes] => no
[a] => b
GET = Array
[yes] => no
[a] => b
POST = Array
D:\Programs\PHP 5.6.3 x64 TS\php.ini
What I want is for $_POST
to contain Array( [data] => Foo Bar )
(which is what I'm sending).
Does anyone know how I can fix it so that $_POST
also fills with data?
Well if you look at the FastCGI-spec chapter 3.3 under the subtitle "Types of Record Types" it says:
A stream record is part of a stream, i.e. a series of zero or more non-empty records (length != 0) of the stream type, followed by an empty record (length == 0) of the stream type.
That means a proper stream is composed of at least one non-empty packets, terminated by an empty packet of the same stream type.
You can also check out Appendix B (Typical Protocol Message Flow) for how that should look.
How is that relevant to your problem?
PHP expects one or many non-empty "writes" to the FCGI_PARAMS
stream and then, to mark the end of the params-stream, an empty FCGI_PARAMS
If you look at your doRequest
method you are writing one non emtpy FCGI_PARAMS
packet and then directly after that your FCGI_STDIN
What PHP does is it reads your first FCGI_PARAMS
record and then if your FCGI_STDIN
packet arrives it only reads the header and stops. So the next fcgi_read
reads invalid data and fails silently - but PHP continues to handle the request with an empty STDIN-stream. Alternatively, if your request body is too small (like body = "a"), PHP will block for ever.
If you modify your doRequest
method and terminate the stream with an empty write (I'll call them EOF-packets), it should work:
public String doRequest( Map<String, String> params, String content ) throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream paramBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for ( Entry<String, String> param: params.entrySet() )
paramBytes.write( nvpair( param.getKey() , param.getValue() ) );
Packet beginRequest = new Packet( FCGI.BEGIN_REQUEST, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, new byte[] { 0, FCGI.RESPONDER, FCGI.KEEP_CONN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } );
Packet requestParams = new Packet( FCGI.PARAMS, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, paramBytes.toByteArray() );
Packet requestParamsEOF = new Packet( FCGI.PARAMS, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, new byte[] {} );
Packet requestContent = new Packet( FCGI.STDIN, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, content.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) );
Packet requestContentEOF = new Packet( FCGI.STDIN, FCGI.NULL_REQUEST_ID, new byte[] {} );
OutputStream stream = socket.getOutputStream();
stream.write( beginRequest.getBytes() );
stream.write( requestParams.getBytes() );
stream.write( requestParamsEOF.getBytes() );
stream.write( requestContent.getBytes() );
stream.write( requestContentEOF.getBytes() );
return readResponse();
The reason it is done that way is so you can split up large streams in multiple packets (since each packet can only hold a payload of 64 KiB). Theoretically you'd have to check the length of the request body and split it up in chunks of 64 KiB (2^16 bytes). So even this version of doRequest
could be improved.