This may be a stupid question but i have little knowledge of garbage collection. When i looked up info about it, it became clear that nullifying an object sets it's reference count to 0 so it becomes eligble for garbage collection
So i wanted to test it and I made a fragment,it uses about 5 MB of memory. When i remove the fragment with the transactionmanager, nullify the fragment and explicitly call the garbage collector (GC.collect()),the allocated memory stays the same and i don't get the 5 MB back..
What could be the reason(s) for this?
public void Unselect()
var ft = this.SupportFragmentManager.BeginTransaction ();
switch (selected)
case 8:...
case 9:
//FindViewById (Resource.Id.fragment_container).SetBackgroundDrawable (null);
ft.Hide (carFragment);
ft.Remove (carFragment);
Console.WriteLine ("NULLIFY");
carFragment = null;
case 10:...
ft.Commit ();
The carFragment is a fragment that has a Google Maps V2 supportfragment in it
There are at least two reasons:
is a managed object! You have no way of knowing whether you've removed all of the container's references. Until they are all gone, a GC will not collect the object.