In order to make an OSGI service to be remotely accessible, I'd like to use ActiveMQ JMS broker as a distribution provider inside ECF framework. Which steps should I take?
I'll be answering my own question in order to document it.
Get a minimal working ECF remote service workspace, with ecf.generic.server as the distribution and one of the discovery providers (zookeeper for example). You can use tutorial.
Install an ActiveMQ broker with default configuration.
Download the JMS/ActiveMQ ECF providers from Add the org.eclipse.ecf.provider.jms
and org.eclipse.ecf.provider.jms.activemq
projects in your workspace, build and add them to your run configuration or target platform.
For the provider service properties, do the following changes:
a. Change the "service.exported.configs"
property for as "ecf.jms.activemq.tcp.client"
b. Add ""
property with the following value "tcp://[ACTIVEMQ_IP]:61616/rs_topic"
, replacing [ACTIVEMQ_IP] with the broker IP. You can also change the topic name as something related to your service.
Now we also need a ActiveMQ JMS Server Container. Add the following code to the provider side. Use the Activator or fire up a new component with DS. You can also get an IContainerFactory
object from the service registry.
IContainerFactory containerFactory = ContainerFactory.getDefault(); containerFactory.createContainer("ecf.jms.activemq.tcp.manager", new Object[] { "tcp://[ACTIVEMQ_IP]:61616/rs_topic" });