I am using kendo scheduler in my Ko based MVVM app,
scheduler is works well in my previous version of Kendo(Q2 2014) and knockout-kendo (0.8).
recently i just updated both kendo(2014 Q3) and konckout-kendo (0.9) it is not working it throws a error like below.
Message: Unable to parse bindings.
Bindings value: kendoScheduler: {
Message: Unexpected token (;
Thanks in advance for your help.
I have resolved this problem by done the following changes,
I have few commented code inside the scheduler properties,
<div data-bind="kendoScheduler: { .... //sample }"></div>
that's what it throwing this issue to me, but i don't know this is accepted by previous versions of Kendo.
now i just removed the commented lines it is worked for me.
Thanks Sivan