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how to generate new SSL certificate in websphere application server liberty v.

I am just looking for some information. I want to enable ssl and https redirect on (some basic security so I can expose the appCenter and apps for testing):

Websphere application server liberty v. 
windows server 2008 R2
Java version 1.7.0_71 64bit

What I did: Installed eclipse + mobilefirst studio then websphere application server liberty v. then the MobileFirst Platform Server

I read the guide here and the security utility guide

These guides are quite limited and I am very new to WebSphere, I have questions about how to remove the existing certificate and generate new self-signed on succesfully

I would just like to see a more complete example, some of the related posts here refer to configuring the web.xml but it's not in the documentation.

Can anyone point me to a fuller example that shows how enabling ssl and https redirect are setup? My end goal is that accessing the appCenter uses ssl and https redirect.



  • I'll try to answer your question in parts, as it is quite broad.

    Enabling SSL

    To enable ssl in the Liberty profile the easiest is to use WDT (WebSphere Developer Tools) in Eclipse. in the Servers view right click the server and select Utilities > Create SSL Certificate. It will:

    • Generate Selfsign certificate - you can customize validity period and Subject Name
    • Store it in ${server.output.dir}/resources/security/key.jks
    • In the Console view it will output piece of code you need to add to your server.xml:
    <keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="{xor}encodedPassword=" />

    You can do the same from command line from wlp\bin invoking securityUtility command:

    securityUtility createSSLCertificate --server=myserver --password=mypassword --validity=365

    After modifying server.xml your Liberty is enabled for SSL on 9443:


    Customizing SSL certificate

    Unfortunately there is not much in Liberty itself for it. So here are your options:

    • Use securityUtility as above - allows to override period and SN
    • Use keytool that comes with JDK, it will allow more customization (name, key length and algorithm), for example:
    C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\bin>keytool -genkeypair -alias myCert -keystore keystore.jks
    Enter keystore password:
    Re-enter new password:
    What is your first and last name?
      [Unknown]:  liberty
    What is the name of your organizational unit?
      [Unknown]:  test
    What is the name of your organization?
      [Unknown]:  gas
    What is the name of your City or Locality?
    What is the name of your State or Province?
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
    Is CN=liberty, OU=test, O=gas, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct?
      [no]:  yes
    Enter key password for <mykey>
            (RETURN if same as keystore password):
    Re-enter new password:
    • Third party tools, for example if you have full WAS you can use ikeyman to generate certificate using wizard.

    Whatever method you will use to create new keystore and self sing cert, update keyStore definition in server.xml

    Redirection to SSL

    By default any unconfigured application will be available over http and https.
    If you want to force application to use SSL you will need to create/modify web.xml file for that application. Add the following to your web.xml:


    And you have to enable application security adding following to server.xml:


    You're done. You have SSL enabled for your server and redirection for given app.