I have a query that gets called multiple times depending on the the variable vchrStatus
<cffunction name="getGalleriesByStatus" output="no" returntype="query">
<cfargument name="vchrStatus" type="string" required="yes">
/// Long complicated query in here
<cfset var result="#getGalleries#">
<!--- Return it --->
<cfreturn result>
I tested the function with cfdump and it is outputing the desired results.
Now I want to loop over the results in a cfoutput
<cfoutput query="getGalleriesByStatus('Pending')">
But I'm getting the error: The value of the attribute query, which is currently getGalleriesByStatus('Pending'), is invalid.
takes the name of the query variable (ie: a string). It does not take an expression which evaluates to a query. So you need this:
<cfset someVar = getGalleriesByStatus('Pending')>
<cfoutput query="someVar">
This is counter-intuitive, but is the case. It's also not in the docs, which sux.