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How to mock values in Config.groovy in Grails for unit testing

I want to write some test cases where I have to mock some properties of the config file.

Below shown is the actual code

if (password.length() < grailsApplication.config.user.password.min.length) {
    return false

I want to mock grailsApplication.config.user.password.min.length In my config file, user.password.min.length has been set as 6

I tried to mock in the following ways:

  1. mockConfig = new ConfigObject()
    mockConfig.user.password.min.length = 6

  2. mockConfig("user.password.min.length")

  3. mockConfig(user.password.min.length)
  4. mockConfig(mockConfig.user.password.min.length)

But none of this is working. My code is throwing NullPointerException sometimes. Could someone please advise the correct way to mock the config file?


  • Following is how I mock my config properties in Service spec.

    class MyServiceSpec extends Specification {
    void "Test case for somemethod" () {
        given: 'some-prop-value'
        def result = service.getSomething(keyword)
        result.label.every {
        keyword << ["dub", "sing"]

    Note: my.prop is the property I'm using inside getSomething(string) method.