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Get the smallest network given a list of IPv4 addreses in Python

I am using python 2.6.6 and I am not allowed to change it. I have a sorted list of IPv4 addresses. I need to find the smallest network that covers all the ip addresses in the list. The smallest network can be the CIDR, or a Network address with subnet mask. I haven't yet found a simple way to do it using netaddr module. Here's example:

x=['', '', '']
cidr = get_cidr_for_addresses(x)
print cidr ##should print ''


  • This seems to be exactly what netaddr.spanning_cidr does.

    $ python
    Python 2.7.9rc1 (default, Dec 10 2014, 10:58:16)
    [GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import netaddr
    >>> x = netaddr.spanning_cidr(['', '', ''])
    >>> print x
    >>> print type(x)
    <class 'netaddr.ip.IPNetwork'>