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How to link to favicon in ember-cli application?

I want to include a favicon in an ember-cli application. I have put the .ico image in /public/assests/img/, and am able to include that image in a page.

According to this question I'm on the right track, but ...

Where would I like to the favicon? Normally I would put:

<link rel="icon" href="/assets/img/favicon.ico">

in the head of a html file. What .hbs file should contain a head? I'm new to ember and ember-cli, but I thought that the hbs files were just partials of HTML files. I have tried to throw the link tag into the application.hbs file, but that doesn't work. What am I missing?


  • I would just add it to the app/index.html file, directly in the <head>. There might be a way to add it to {{content-for 'head'}} within the application initializer but I'm not entirely sure myself.