I am working on sails js with mongodb with sails-mongo adapter , My problem is i cant fetch the result between two dates using sails-mongo.
So is there any solution for retrieve this data, actually i want to get total count of each day day's entries (Last 15 days).
So please share if you know anything or any alternative way to come out from this problem.
-- Thanks - ND
Simply use condition in single object in WHERE or FIND or COUNT
.where({ "createdAt" : { ">" : new Date(start), "<" : new Date(end) }})
.find({ "createdAt" : { ">" : new Date(start), "<" : new Date(end) }})
.count({ "createdAt" : { ">" : new Date(start), "<" : new Date(end) }})
See This example
var start = moment('12-06-2014').startOf('day');
var end = moment('12-06-2014').endOf('day');
User.find().where({ "createdAt" : { ">" : new Date(start), "<" : new Date(end) }})
.exec(function (err, user) {
if (err)
return res.json(Res.toJson(false, err, 'Error'))
return res.json(Res.toJson(true, user, 'User'))