Languages such as C++ will not work if semicolons are forgotten but other languages such as JavaScript will automatically include them for you.
I know from this article Do you recommend using semicolons after every statement in JavaScript?, that it is recommended to use semicolons and there are scenarios that can create unwanted ambiguities (such as dangling else in C++ when braces aren't used).
At some point in time there must have been a decision to make them optional (e.g. when the creators of JavaScript made the conscious choice to make it optional).
I would like to know why this decision was made and how it is beneficial to users of these languages.
Background: I am a novice coder and have only recently began learning JavaScript.
EDIT: To the comments that are saying it is bad in JavaScript, I know. I'm asking why it is allowed to happen in the first place, if most people consider it bad practice.
Regarding JavaScript, Douglas Crockford explains the origins of the idea in this video. (It's a great talk and it's really worth your time to watch it if you intend to continue pursuing JavaScript.)
This is a direct quote from the talk:
Semicolon insertion was something intended to make the C syntax easier for beginners.
As far as how it's beneficial to users of the language, Crockford explains in detail a few reasons why it's not beneficial, but rather how it introduces very serious ambiguities and gotchas into the syntax. One of the most notable cases is when attempting to return an object literal using a braces-on-the-left coding style (source from the video):
ok: false
Which actually returns undefined, because semicolon insertion adds one after return
, and the remaining intended object literal gets parsed as a code block, equivalent to this:
ok: false;
Trying to make a language easier for beginners can be a great source of well-intentioned blunders.