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Problems with iterating through fileset

I try to iterate over a directory of wsdl's. For the first I would be happy just to get an output of each file.

<target name="messages">
    <foreach target="wsdlList" param="wsdlfile">
            <fileset dir="${base.wsdl.src}">
                <include name="*.wsdl" />

<target name="wsdlList">
    <echo message="${wsdlfile}" />

The output I get is wsdlList: [echo] ${wsdlfile} instead of all wsdl files I expected.


  • Instead of using <foreach>, use the newer <for> task. You need to point to antlib.xml and not in <taskdef>:

    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
            <fileset dir="${ivy.dir}/antcontrib">
                <include name="ant-contrib*.jar"/>

    Now, you can do this:

    <target name="messages">
        <for param="wsdl.file">
            <fileset dir="${base.wsdl.src}">
                <include name="*.wsdl" />
                <echo message="@{wsdl.file}" />  <!-- Note "@" and not "$" -->

    Note that this is @{wsdl.file} and not ${wsdl.file}. That's a parameter that can have a different value each time.