I'm working on a system that uses guice to bind and inject MyBatis mappers used to remove entries from different DBs. The fact is that all DB are located in different hosts but have the same structure. Since there are a lot of them and the number and location of the hosts change quite often, I would like to install a MyBatis module with different data sources that are loaded dynamically using the same mapper.
I've been looking around but can't figure out how to solve the mapper ambiguity. I also took a look to MyBatis beans CDI plugin, that makes it easier to add named mappers with multiple data sources, but still can't get it working since I don't have a fixed list of data sources that i can name.
Am I missing an easy way to achieve this?
You need to bind your MyBatisModule privately and expose the mappings with a unique binding attribute. I've got an example below. I've verified that it works, too :)
DaoModule: This module is setup to bind a single mapper to a key with a specific data-source. Note that this class is extending a "PrivateModue" and it's exposing the key to the parent module. You'll be using this key to inject the mapping.
public class DaoModule<T> extends PrivateModule {
private static final String ENVIRONMENT_ID = "development";
private final Key<T> key;
private final Class<T> mapper;
private final Provider<DataSource> dataSourceProvider;
public DaoModule(Key<T> key, Class<T> mapper, Provider<DataSource> dataSourceProvider) {
this.key = key;
this.mapper = mapper;
this.dataSourceProvider = dataSourceProvider;
protected void configure() {
install(new InnerMyBatisModule());
private class InnerMyBatisModule extends MyBatisModule {
protected void initialize() {
MyModule: This module installs two DaoModules with the same mapper type by two different keys and different data-sources.
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
Key<MapperDao> key1 = Key.get(MapperDao.class, Names.named("Mapper1"));
Provider<DataSource> datasource1 = null;
Key<MapperDao> key2 = Key.get(MapperDao.class, Names.named("Mapper2"));
Provider<DataSource> datasource2 = null;
install(new DaoModule<MapperDao>(key1, MapperDao.class, datasource1));
install(new DaoModule<MapperDao>(key2, MapperDao.class, datasource2));
Main: And the main acquires the two mappers of the same type but with different data-sources.
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
Injector i = Guice.createInjector(new MyModule());
MapperDao mapper1 = i.getInstance(Key.get(MapperDao.class, Names.named("Mapper1")));
MapperDao mapper2 = i.getInstance(Key.get(MapperDao.class, Names.named("Mapper2")));
Example Injection Class: This shows how to use field injection to inject the mappers
public class MyExampleClass {
MapperDao mapper1;
MapperDao mapper2;