So let's say I have a web app at
If i change current state home to state1, I want to save the (previous) state home in local storage, like that
But where should this line be executed?
I am also using history.js library. But I can only get URL state after state is changed.
History.Adapter.bind(window, "statechange", function() {
var page =; //page === "home"
I am also using this function
goTo : function(page) {
var page =; //page === "state1", but not with back, forward, backspace buttons
History.pushState({page: page}, getPageTitle(page), "?" + page);
But this only saves previous state when I change URL state with this function call. How can I do it globally, by pressing for example browser back and forward button and backspace or mouse back and forward buttons.
Why don't you create a history stack and add the current state to it? That gives you the opportunity to go back further than just one state. For example:
$(window).on("statechange", function() {
var historyStack = localStorage.getItem("stateHistory") === null ? [] : JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("stateHistory"));
localStorage.setItem("stateHistory", JSON.stringify(historyStack));
To navigate back you fetch the second last entry in the history stack and subsequently remove the last two(!) entries from the history stack before changing the state.