In one sentence: Should I be able to parse "04 Dec 2014 pm 1:58" by PrettyTime?
Descriptive: I am in need to parse & get proper date format from some ill formatted date-time string. e.g. "04 Dec 2014 pm 1:58". When I do parse this example string, I get : "Thu Dec 04 02:59:33 ALMT 2014" which is I believe my current time stamp.
Consideration: if I had only this single ill-format, I could write my SimpleDateFormat. But there can a good varieties of formatting which are mostly going to be ill-formatted.
Can any of you kindly tell me, whether should I expect PrettyTime to parse for this type of ill-formatted string? Or could you please point to any Java library which can handle these type of ill formatted date strings in Java?
Apparently, after days of various attempts, my finding is PrettyTime is not capable to do so though it handles pretty good NLP date & time related stuffs. Finally I ended up with various SimpleDateFormat . Not the best solution rather a temporary solution. If anyone stumble upon this thread, please share your experiences.