The program in java is to evaluate the post-fix arithmetic expression. I am not getting any error in my program but I am getting the wrong output.
I am trying to evaluate the expression (1*(((2+3)*(4-5))+6))
where its result is 1
But I am getting the output as 11
Its post-fix expression is 1 2 3 + 4 5 - * 6 + *
Looking forward for your help. Thank you!!
public static void evaluatePostfix(String sol)
ArrayStack<Double> nlist = new ArrayStack<Double> ();
double op1, op2, result;
char ch;
for (int i = 0; i < sol.length(); i++)
if ('0' <= sol.charAt(i) && sol.charAt(i) <= '9')
nlist.push((double)(sol.charAt(i) - '0'));
if (sol.charAt(i)=='+'||sol.charAt(i)=='-'||sol.charAt(i)=='*'||sol.charAt(i)=='/')
op1 = nlist.pop();
op2 = nlist.pop();
ch = sol.charAt(i);
case '+':
nlist.push(op1 + op2);
case '-':
nlist.push(op1 - op2);
case '*':
nlist.push(op1 * op2);
case '/':
nlist.push(op1 / op2);
result = nlist.pop();
When you pop from the stack, op2
is the element at the top and op1
is at top-1. Change it to:
op2 = nlist.pop();
op1 = nlist.pop();
| 6 |
| 5 |
and when you get the - you are doing nlist.push(op1 - op2);
which pushes 6-5
into the stack while you should push 5-6