I have a class with BigDecimal field. I put this object to JSP (Spring MVC). And I need to display BigDecimal field without zero in decimal (20.00 like 20), that's why my getter method looks like
public BigDecimal getValue() {
return value.stripTrailingZeros();
And I have the next result:
20.50 = 20.5;
13.25 = 13.25;
30.00 = 3E+1.
How can I change 3E+1 to 30 ? Can I format it with Java or JSTL?
I found a simple solution. It doesn't need to do stripTrailingZeros() in the getter method. Just
public BigDecimal getValue() {
return value;
And on the JSP
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
<fmt:formatNumber value="${object.value}" minFractionDigits="0"/>