Being new to RichTextBox and Googling for hours, I'm stumped. Having isolated the paragraph part of a flow document. I now wish to remove all the text upto and including the first ":" in the paragraph--but retain the rest of the paragraph (including all its formatting --XAML). (This in WPF vs2010).
I'm sure its simple but how is this done?
What I have so far will read up to the first ":", but how do you remove this text as well? Is there a better way??
public InkRichViewModel(int p, Paragraph paragraph)
this.p = p;
//Read the paragraph title from the paragraph
TextPointer start = paragraph.ContentStart;
TextPointer end = FindWordFromPosition(start, ":");
TextRange textRange = new TextRange(start, end);
String Title = textRange.Text;
//Remove the title from the paragraph
TextPointer endp = paragraph.ContentEnd;
TextRange t2 = new TextRange(start, endp);
this.Note = paragraph; <---Note is the paragraph without the leading string.
Thanks for all help, regards.
In my case, this solves the above problem. Is there a better way?
// Read paragraph upto and including first ":"
string text = (paragraph.Inlines.FirstInline as Run).Text;
int r = text.IndexOf(":")+1;
string Title = text.Substring(0,r).Trim();
// Remove Title from text;
string newtext = text.Substring(r).Trim();
// Insert new inline and remove the old inline.
Inline z = paragraph.Inlines.FirstInline;
Run runx = new Run(newtext);
paragraph.Inlines.InsertBefore(z, runx);
this.Note = paragraph;