I have Checkbox in jsp. I want to set its value based on the value retrieved from database.
I have retrieved the value in action class but i am not able to set this value from action class to jsp page.
I am newbie. Could anyone please tell how to do this.
<html:form action="faxDownloadSettings">
<html:hidden property="checkMe"/>
<input type=checkbox name="pdf" property="checkMe" checked="checked"> <bean:message key="com.console.asPDF"/>
<console:button name="save" script="save();">
<console:label><bean:message key="com.console.save"/></console:label>
Action form:
public class FaxDownloadSettingsForm extends ActionForm {
private boolean checkMe;
public void setCheckMe(boolean checkMe){
this.checkMe = checkMe;
public boolean getCheckMe(){
return checkMe;
Action class:
public class FaxDownloadSettingsAction extends Action {
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
FaxDownloadSettingsForm form = (FaxDownloadSettingsForm) actionForm;
boolean isFaxtopdf = enumResponse.getFaxtopdf();
request.setAttribute("checkFax", isFaxtopdf);
form.setCheckMe(true); //It also not works
return mapping.findForward("success");
In your action's execute method, set the attribute at request level like:
request.setAttribute("vehicleSelected", getVehicleFromDB());
In your jsp, you could do something like:
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="${vehicleSelected}"/>