I have chrome 39.0.2171.71, and I have enable source mapping check box enabled, but hx files are empty in debugger, any one can help explain why source mapping does not work?
I am not using a server, I am opening the HTML file directly in chrome In chrome network tab, I can see:
I compile the js project, like this:
haxe -debug --each -lib createjs -lib Actuate -cp src -js C:/Users/samir.s.MOTAHIDAEDU/Documents/haxe/quiz-generator/bin/Quizgenerator.js -main Main -resource quiz.txt@quiz_text_file -lib random
Where can I set the source map of my project? I think I just have to set the path correctly, I am on Windows 7
I believe this is a Google Chrome bug, since it cannot load the local files.
You could try to compile with the compiler flag -D source-map-content
. This include the hx sources as part of the JS source map. For me this works pretty good.