If I put a select tag inside ng-switch then two way binding does not work for select tag ng-model outside ng-switch.
Please refer following code
<div ng-switch on="OutputStep">
<div ng-switch-when="0">
Switch Step One
<div ng-switch-when="1">
Switch Step Two<br/>
<select ng-model="SelectedReviewOption" ng-options="review as review.DisplayValue for review in ReviewOptions">
Selected Value : {{SelectedReviewOption.DisplayValue}}
<button ng-click="OutputStep = '0'" ng-disabled="OutputStep == '0'">
<button ng-click="OutputStep = '1'" ng-disabled="OutputStep == '1'">
Selected Value Outside Switch : {{SelectedReviewOption.DisplayValue}}
In this fiddle, click Next button to view 2nd switch page. Change value in select tag. Observe that changed value cannot be displayed outside switch –
Use $parent.var_name in ng model , as ng switch creates it seperate scope , and the variable will be restricted to it if its not explicitly defined outside the scope by ng-init or something(in the controller)