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MOSS Filter webpart not working with & symbol in the query string

I know this is a fairly common error with URL encoding. The problem I suspect is the MOSS Filter webpart used to filter a dataview webparts results based on the querystring paramter passed to it from the Filter webpart.

When the query string contains an & (ampersand) symbol the dataview webpart is unable to display any results but does not display any errors.

When I replace the ampersand in the query string below with %26 then I get an exception 'Input string was not in a correct format'

http://localhost/subsite/Pages/Test.aspx?SS=Test%20Governance%20&%20Directors no error caused but filter (SS) passed to the Data view webpart shows no results.

http://localhost/subsite/Pages/Test.aspx?SS=Test%20Governance%20%26%20Directors replacing the & with %26 produces an exception 'Input string was not in a correct format' is thrown

Can we use the ampersand in the query string from a Filter webpart? I have read that the consumer webpart reads this as another parameter being passed to it, maybe that is the problem? Though I have configured the Filter webpart to only pass the first parameter.


  • Well just had to change & to and in the end...