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How to increase VARCHAR size using grails migration

I have added 2 new columns SCOMMENT and SURL for table DB_SERVER using grails migration (liquibase)

databaseChangeLog = {

    changeSet(author: "syam (generated)", id: "changelog-2.3.6") {

            column(name:"SCOMMENT", type:"VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)"){
                    constraints(nullable: "true")

            column(name:"SURL", type:"VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)"){
                    constraints(nullable: "true")

Initially I defined SCOMMENT and SURL as of 255 characters length. In the next version, I'm trying to increase the character length to 1024 using modifyColumn as below

databaseChangeLog = {

    changeSet(author: "syam (generated)", id: "changelog-2.3.7") {
        // Increase maximum length of characters for scomment field in DbServer
        modifyDataType(columnName:"SCOMMENT", tableName:"DB_SERVER", newDataType="VARCHAR2(1024 CHAR)")

        //Increase the maximum length of characters for surl field in DbServer
        modifyDataType(columnName:"SURL", tableName:"DB_SERVER", newDataType="VARCHAR2(1024 CHAR)")

When I tried to migrate, I get the following error

Error 2014-12-08 13:11:28,086 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR context.GrailsContextLoader  - Error initializing the application: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          newDataType is required, changelog-2.3.7.groovy::changelog-2.3.7::syam(generated)::(Checksum: 3:04f74b0209f64ad261e4a864fcc3c43c)
Message: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          newDataType is required, changelog-2.3.7.groovy::changelog-2.3.7::syam (generated)::(Checksum: 3:04f74b0209f64ad261e4a864fcc3c43c)
    Line | Method
->>  262 | run       in java.util.concurrent.FutureTask

How could the length of characters be changed for SCOMMENT and SURL?


  • The error is a Liquibase error, not a database error. Liquibase is not seeing the newDataType attribute and so throwing a validation error but you are setting it. I'm able to run a similar changeSet with standard liquibase and xml or json so it may be a problem with the grails DSL. It may be worth opening an issue with them.

    You can always fall back to the "sql" command and just pass the ALTER TABLE statement directly as well if there is a problem with the grails parsing.