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RCP: How to sync state of MMenuItem and MToolItem

I have a handler which is linked to both a menu item and a toolbar icon. If the menu item is selected, a checkmark will appear to the left of the menu item. If the toolbar button is pressed in the icon changes to a 'sunken' to look like it's pushed in.

If the menu item is checkmarked I would like to 'auto-push' the toolbar button in (without firing another toolbar button-pressed event).

If the button is pressed in I would like the menu item to 'auto-checkmark'

Is there a way to do this? I assume it would start here..;

public void execute(
    @Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_SHELL) Shell shell, 
    @Optional MToolItem toolItem, 
    @Optional MMenuItem menuItem) {

  // Menu triggered coming into this method
  if (menuItem != null ) { 

  // Button triggered coming into this method
  if (toolItem != null ) { 



  • You need both MToolItem and MMenuItem before the first execution. You can find MToolItem via EModelService in a @PostConstruct method.

    private MMenuItem menuItem;
    private MToolItem toolItem;
    protected void initControls(MApplication app) {
        setToolItem((MToolItem) modelService.find("", app));

    As for menu item, it cannot be found in such a way via EModelService (in Eclipse 4.3 Kepler, not sure for Luna). That is how we do that in the same @PostConstruct method:

    MUIElement window = modelService.find("", app);
    setMenuItem((MHandledMenuItem) findMenuElement("", window));
    public static MMenuElement findMenuElement(String id, MUIElement searchRoot)
        if (id == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("id is null!");
        if (id.length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty string is not allowed in id.");
        if (searchRoot instanceof MMenuElement && id.equals(searchRoot.getElementId()))
            return (MMenuElement) searchRoot;
        if (searchRoot instanceof MTrimmedWindow)
            MMenuElement findMenu = findMenuElement(id, ((MTrimmedWindow) searchRoot).getMainMenu());
            if (findMenu != null)
                return findMenu;
        else if (searchRoot instanceof MPart)
            List<MMenu> menus = ((MPart) searchRoot).getMenus();
            for (MMenu mm : menus)
                MMenuElement findMenu = findMenuElement(id, mm);
                if (findMenu != null)
                    return findMenu;
        else if (searchRoot instanceof MMenu)
            List<MMenuElement> children = ((MMenu) searchRoot).getChildren();
            for (MMenuElement me : children)
                MMenuElement findMenu = findMenuElement(id, me);
                if (findMenu != null)
                    return findMenu;
        return null;