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RoboGuice: inject class by hand in normal class

I have some interfaces and some concreted classes implement those interfaces. I have config in AbstractModule class.

But my problem is: @Inject just works inside a RoboGuice class such as RoboFragment, RoboActivity ...

For example:

public class Fragment extends RoboFragment {

  ICustomClass helper; // work. helper will be initialized and call successfully. 


public class JavaNormalClass {
  ICustomClass helper;  // doesn't work. NullPointerException

So, I think RoboGuice doesn't inject custom class when it's inside normal class so that I should call it by hand. (I guess !!!) So, how to fix my problem ?

Thanks :)


  • This simple solution work for me.

    You put this line of code before you call any @Inject member. Best way maybe in constructor of normal class or onCreate of activity ...

    public class CustomClass {
       IDBDAL dbDAL;
       // can be application context or activity context
       private Context mContext;
       public CustomClass() {
          // you can get context variable somewhere else 
          mContext = MyApplication.getAppContext(); 
          // from now. you can use dbDAL object
          dbDAL.doSomething(); // work like charm :)

    I think this solution is generic, and can apply to multiple situations. Hope this help :)