Very new to Java so all help is appreciated, but please give the more direct answer possible.
I am trying to change a System.out.println statement to one that will be displayed in a JOptionPane. This is my first attempt at GUI, and find myself hopelessly lost.
I have Strings being printed through several methods in order to display one snippet of output. The part of the output I want to go in one pane, so I think the easiest way might be to concatenate a string.
I have an ArrayList hard that holds a Card value. I overloaded the toString method in Card for the ranks, and the Suit enum that the Card uses returns Strings ("Heart", Spade", etc.)
for(int x = 0; x < hand.size(); x++){
} //correctly prints the code
I was trying to do String handString = "";
for(int x = 0; x < hand.size(); x++){
handString = handString.concat(hand.get(x)); //also tried concat(toString(hand.get(x))
Can anyone tell me why I am not able to change the Card toString and why it prints to the console, but why I can't put it to a string? I have a feeling this is very obvious but nothing I can find online seems to help with my combination of enums and class objects.
Also, how would I go about turning several printings to the console to one printing in a JOptionPane?
Can you try:
for(int x = 0; x < hand.size(); x++){
handString += hand.get(x);
handString += "\n";
The plus(+) operator takes care of conversion to String (using the toString() method for objects - which you have overriden).
You can also use the foreach loop here (much shorter, personal preference though):
for (Card card : hand) {
handString += card;
handString += "\n";