Search code examples

Real time insertion of data in mvc

I have a news project with comment feature. Any one who add a comment can see his comment immediately without reloading the page ( using ajax ). The problem is that when user1 ( for example ) comment on post1 , only user1 can see his comment immediately but all other users need to reload the page to see the comment of user1. How can I solve this problem ?

The code I am using to get the comment :

$(function () {
  $("#AddComment").click(function () {

  var CommentText = document.getElementById("CommetForm").innerHTML;
    var UserName = document.getElementById("UserName").innerHTML;
    var PostId = document.getElementById("PostId").innerHTML;

                url: '/PostComment/AddComment',
                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'json',
                cache: false,
                data: { "PostId": PostId, "CommentText": OrignalCommentText },
                success: function (data)
                    if (data == "P") // Commet Stored on database successfully
                    document.getElementById("PostComments-" + PostId).innerHTML += 
                    "<li>" +
                                    "<div class='media'>" +
                                        "<div class='media-body'>" +
                                            "<a href='' class='comment-author'>"+UserName+"</a>" +
                                            "<span class='CommetText' id='CommentText-" + PostId + "'>" + CommentText + "</span>" +
                                        "</div>" +
                                    "</div>" +


                    else // Some Error occur during storing database

                        document.getElementById("CommentError-" + PostId).innerHTML = "\nSomething went wrog, please try agin";



And This code for storing comment in database :

  private SocialMediaDatabaseContext db = new SocialMediaDatabaseContext();

    public JsonResult AddComment(string PostId, string CommentText)
            Users CurrentUser = (Users)Session["CurrentUser"];
            PostComment postcomment = new PostComment();

            CommentText = System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(CommentText);

            postcomment.PostId = int.Parse(PostId);
            postcomment.CommentFromId = CurrentUser.UserId;
            postcomment.CommentText = CommentText;
            postcomment.CommentDate = DateTime.Now;

            return Json("P");


            return Json("F");



  • I suggest you use SignalR for this.