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Retrieve object add in JAAS login module from JSF managedbean

Our application uses JSF 2.2 and use glassfish 4 as the server. I need to add some object in the login module during authenticate user, so in the web application, the managed bean can retrieve that object.

In the loginModule I did the following (if it is not the case please tell me the right way to do):


But how can I retrieve it in ManagedBean. Any help will be much appreciated.


  • This is part of the JSR-115 specification JavaTM Authorization Contract for Containers. See section Container Subject Policy Context Handler: Container Subject Policy Context Handler

    All EJB and Servlet containers must register a PolicyContextHandler whose getContext method returns a object when invoked with the key “”.

    In your application, you can retrieve the object through the following commands:

    Subject subject = (Subject) PolicyContext.getContext("");

    Note: the class should be added in get[Private|Public]Credentials() (with no args). The get[Public|Private]Credentials(Class<T>.class) generates a copy of the content, "filtering" the classes that are instances of the argument, serving only to retrieve saved classes.

    Note: Not tested on JBoss, but I think it applies in the same way, based on JBoss Doc.
