I am evaluating kendo-ui and i would like to configure the views views: [{type: "week", ...}, { type: "workweek", ...}, { type: "month", ...}]
of kendo-ui scheduler to always start with monday.
I found Q: Setting first day of week to Monday but is has no accepted answers and offered solutions did not work for me.
So after trying several things out i ended up with:
date: new Date("2014/12/1"),
allDayEventTemplate: $("#event-template").html(),
timezone: "Etc/UTC",
views: [{ type:"day", showWorkHours:true, workWeekStart:0}
,{type:"week", workWeekStart:1, workWeekEnd:5
, showWorkHours:true, selected:true}
,{type:"workWeek", workWeekStart:1, workWeekEnd:0
, showWorkHours: true, selected: true }
,{type:"month", workWeekStart: 2 }
, "agenda"]
,dataSource: events1,
resources: [ { field: "attendees", dataSource: people1, multiple: true } ]
As you can see this works for type:"workWeek"
every week starts with a monday and since i set workWeekEnd:0
it ends with sunday. Using the same configuration settings on type:"week"
or type:"month"
has no effect - the week always starts with a sunday.
I tried three configuration options (see // attempt # below)
// attempt 1
date: new Date("2014/12/1"),
culture: "de-DE", // attempt 2
allDayEventTemplate: $("#event-template").html(),
views: [{ type:"week", culture: "de-DE", // attempt 3
But none of them had any effect. The reason could be
so i am assuming i need to create an configuration myself or create / edit some localisation filetype: "week" ... type:"month"
var people1 = [{ text: "Alex", value: 1, color: "blue" }
, { text: "Bob", value: 2, color: "red" }
, { text: "Charlie", value: 3, color: "yellow" }
, { text: "Doris", value: 4, color: "green" }];
var events1 = [
{ id: 1, title: "Int A 2.12", start: new Date("2014/12/2 08:00 AM"), end: new Date("2014/12/2 09:00 AM"), isAllDay: false, attendees: [1, 2] },
{ id: 2, title: "Int B 2.12", start: new Date("2014/12/2 08:30 AM"), end: new Date("2014/12/2 10:30 AM"), isAllDay: false, attendees: [2, 3] },
{ id: 3, title: "Int C 2. - 5.", start: new Date("2014/12/2 08:30 AM"), end: new Date("2014/12/5 10:30 AM"), isAllDay: true, attendees: [1] },
{ id: 4, title: "Int D 3. - 4.", start: new Date("2014/12/3 08:30 AM"), end: new Date("2014/12/4 10:30 AM"), isAllDay: true, attendees: [3] },
{ id: 5, title: "Int E 4.12", start: new Date("2014/12/4 10:00 AM"), end: new Date("2014/12/4 2:00 PM"), isAllDay: false, attendees: [1, 4] }];
To set start day of week as "Monday" put the below line of code before the scheduler declaration.
kendo.culture().calendar.firstDay = 1;
// and further down initialize the scheduler
// ...
This works both for month and week view. Hope this helps.