I am trying to forward traffic with google instances but no luck. Here is the scenario: I have 2 instances currently main-server, and mini-server-1 I want to ssh mini-server-1 from main-server and create a dynamic port forwarding like so:
gcloud compute ssh "mini-server-1" --zone="us-central1-f" --ssh-flag="-D:5551" --ssh-flag="-N" --ssh-flag="-n" &
I have this error:
bind: Cannot assign requested address
I tried: ssh -N username@mini-server-1(all ips internal external, hostname) -D 5551 &
When i run netstat i can see that ports are free. Here is wget with proxy from main-server
wget google.com -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=
Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response...
Does someone know how can i achieve this?
run the command with the debug flag to help you find more information:
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag=-vvv "mini-server-1" \
--zone="us-central1-f" \
--ssh-flag="-D:5551" \
--ssh-flag="-N" \
--ssh-flag="-n" &
and as mention in my comment before, use https_proxy.