I am new at BigCompany and have been given a subsystem & told to build it under Linux, since I was dumb enough to suggest unit test (there has never been a unit test & all builds are currently for an ARM processor).
Some code, which no one knows anything about, uses GStreamer. It has statements like
#include "gst/gst.h"
#include "gst/gsttaglist.h"
which give the GCC error
fatal error: gst/gst.h: No such file or directory
I grepped and found it in
so I went to project Properties/C & C++ General/paths and symbols and added
to the path. The error persisted.
I also tried adding gstreamer-0.10
to the libraries, but to no avail.
How do I get this to compile in Eclipse CDT?
You're doing the right thing, and what Scooter describes is correct. However I'd add that in my experience, tracking down all the GStreamer and GLib paths is a pain and it always seemed like Eclipse didn't like when I added them manually.
For our Eclipse/GStreamer projects the build tool we find most useful is CMake. It's a Makefile make tool that offers Eclipse project file generation also. So in a file CMakeLists.txt we'd have something like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
pkg_check_modules(GST REQUIRED gstreamer-app-1.0)
pkg_check_modules(LIBLOG4CXX REQUIRED liblog4cxx)
add_executable(myproj myproj.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myproj ${GST_LIBRARIES} ${LIBLOG4CXX_LIBRARIES})
Then from the command line, I point the environment to whatever pkg-config path I'm using and run cmake.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/whatever/pkgconfig
cmake --clean-first . -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
Now open up the project in Eclipse. You may have to Index->Rebuild but after that it works great in my experience.
Another benefit of this is if you're working on a team project you don't have to create the Eclipse project files from hand for each project member, or try to share machine-specific project files across users.