Considering that I have already read through another thread explaining "how to paste to first blank cell"... here I need to know how to paste "value". Example:
Dim sh As Worksheet, tCell As Range
Sheets("Lunch Extend").Range("B4:F31").Copy
Set sh = Sheets("Backup")
Set tCell = FreeCell(sh.Range("B3"))
sh.Paste PasteSpecial xlValues tCell
However, the last line does not read correctly. Any help?
sh.Paste tCell, but I need values. Thanks.
Adding FreeCell function here...
Function FreeCell(r As Range) As Range
' returns first free cell below r
Dim lc As Range ' last used cell on sheet
Set lc = r.Offset(1000, 0).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Set FreeCell = lc
End Function
Assuming that FreeCell
is a function you wrote and that it works. Try this:
Dim sh As Worksheet, tCell As Range
Sheets("Lunch Extend").Range("B4:F31").Copy
Set sh = Sheets("Backup")
Set tCell = FreeCell(sh.Range("B3"))
tCell.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues