Tweaking MS Charts. I have successfully draw a dynamic chart but need to draw a line (Yellow) across the chart. How will i draw (yellow) line. I have X and Y values.
Here is an example you can play with:
// we create a general LineAnnotation, ie not Vertical or Horizontal:
LineAnnotation lan = new LineAnnotation();
// we use Axis scaling, not chart scaling
lan.IsSizeAlwaysRelative = false;
lan.LineColor = Color.Yellow;
lan.LineWidth = 5;
// the coordinates of the starting point in axis measurement
lan.X = 3.5d;
lan.Y = 0d;
// the size:
lan.Width = -3.5d;
lan.Height = 5.5d;
// looks like we need an anchor point, no matter which..
lan.AnchorDataPoint = yourSeries.Points[0];
// now we can add the LineAnnotation;