I have a rather big knockout model and I want to validate all nested models in it:
self.errors = ko.validation.group(self, { deep: true });
Validator found an error:
> self.errors()
["This field is required."]
I don't know which field of my huge model is invalid. How can I find out it?
I guess you should be looking for something like this
// Getting errors
var errors = ko.validation.group(this, {
deep: true,
observable: false
// New method: getting extended details
var details = errors.getDetails();
for (var i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
var d = details[i];
Every element contains the following fields:
"observable" - a reference to the target observable.
"error" - the error message.
"rule" - the name of the failed validation rule.
"data" - an object that contains extension data (provided via "extend" method) for every rule. E.g. "data.required == true".
PS: You need to add few lines in your validation file to make getDetails()
work i.e which may not be there in validation script file you have .(check reference link & check code)
Reference Here and credits to volpav it helped me long back .
Just incase if someone looking for working sample
check here