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Capturing the output of "diff" with org-babel

I'm trying to capture the output of diff with org-babel, but for some reason it's not working. For the files


a b c


a c b

diff 1 2 called from the command line returns

< a b c
> a c b

But with org-babel, nothing:

#+begin_src sh                                                                                                                                                 
diff 1 2                                                                                                                                                       


The minibuffer reads "Code block produced no output". The org-babel error output window is empty. Other commands such as ls show the output as expected. I'm not familiar with org-babel.

I tried using :results output verbatim, no changes. I also tried using :results output replace as suggested here. Didn't help.

  • Emacs version is 24.4.1 (on Debian jessie)
  • Org-mode version is 8.2.10


  • I could reproduce your problem (on OSX).

    The strange thing is that executing the babel block will open the Org-babel Error Output buffer, as if something were going to STDERR.

    If you add any other output after diff, results will display OK. For example,

    #+begin_src sh :results output
    diff 1 2

    If you force diff's results to stdout, results will also display:

    #+begin_src sh :results output
    diff 1 2 | cat