Could anyone explain to me how to do monkey patching when using Ember CLI? It's about the following method:
BelongsToRelationship.prototype.addRecord = function(newRecord) {
if (this.members.has(newRecord)){ return;}
var type = this.relationshipMeta.type;
Ember.assert("You can only add a '" + type.typeKey + "' record to this relationship", newRecord instanceof type);
if (this.inverseRecord) {
this.inverseRecord = newRecord;
I wish to temporarily disable the assert statement but I don't see how to do this without forking the whole project. I would then also need to fork the ember-data bower package project then and create my own distribution.
-- Thomas
is not defined in a way it can be accessed via the global scope. However you can retrieve it by instantiating a model with DS.belongsTo
relation and digging inside of it.
This initializer should do the trick:
// app/initializers/monkey-patch.js
import DS from 'ember-data';
import Ember from 'ember';
//Hacky way to get BelongsToRelationship constructor
var getBelongsToConstructor = function(store) {
var dummyRecord = store.createRecord(DS.Model.extend({
dummy: DS.belongsTo(DS.Model.extend())
return dummyRecord._relationships.dummy.constructor;
export default {
name: 'monkey-patch',
after: 'store',
initialize: function(container, application) {
var store = container.lookup('store:main'),
BelongsToRelationship = getBelongsToConstructor(store),
originalAssert = Ember.assert,
originalAddRecord = BelongsToRelationship.prototype.addRecord;
//Overriding assert in order to check Ember.disableAssert flag
Ember.assert = function() {
var args =, 0),
if (!Ember.disableAssert) {
retVal = originalAssert.apply(this, args);
return retVal;
//Overriding BelongsToRelationship - calling super while asserion is disabled
BelongsToRelationship.prototype.addRecord = function() {
var args =, 0),
Ember.disableAssert = true;
retVal = originalAddRecord.apply(this, args);
Ember.disableAssert = false;
return retVal;