While doing with ASN.1 and decoding the PKCS #15
token, I've found that I do not understand why tags [0]
and [1]
of the PKCS15Object are EXPLICIT and not implicit, as it declared whit DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS
PKCS-15 {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1)
pkcs-15(15) modules(1) pkcs-15(1)}
-- $Revision: 1.7 $ --
PKCS15Object {ClassAttributes, SubClassAttributes, TypeAttributes}
commonObjectAttributes CommonObjectAttributes,
classAttributes ClassAttributes,
subClassAttributes [0] SubClassAttributes OPTIONAL <<--- explicit?,
typeAttributes [1] TypeAttributes <<--- explicit?
PrivateKeyObject {KeyAttributes} ::= PKCS15Object {
CommonKeyAttributes, CommonPrivateKeyAttributes, KeyAttributes}
PrivateKeys ::= PathOrObjects {PrivateKeyType}
PrivateKeyType ::= CHOICE {
privateRSAKey PrivateKeyObject {PrivateRSAKeyAttributes},
privateECKey [0] PrivateKeyObject {PrivateECKeyAttributes},
... -- For future extensions
PrivateRSAKeyAttributes ::= SEQUENCE {
value ObjectValue {RSAPrivateKeyObject},
modulusLength INTEGER, -- modulus length in bits, e.g. 1024
keyInfo KeyInfo {NULL, PublicKeyOperations} OPTIONAL,
... -- For future extensions
Please, someone, explain it to me.
It is due to rule 31.2.7 (c) in X.680. You have an untagged DummyReference that you are tagging, so your tag is made explicit.