I have a page with angular-moment on it. Upon page rendering angular-moment is working. Using
<span am-time-ago="message.time"></span>
But when I append new html.. it's not working
var date = '<span am-time-ago=\"message.time\"></span>';
Did I missed something? Please help...
Thanks, Kurai
HTML that is appended manually must be bound to a $scope
To do this you inject and use the $compile
// Pass element or HTML string to `$compile` to get a link function
var linkFn = $compile('<span am-time-ago="message.time"></span>');
// Pass `$scope` to the link function to get an element bound with it
var element = linkFn($scope);
// Append the element
It's often written like this:
var element = $compile('<span am-time-ago="message.time"></span>')($scope);
Note that if you must add HTML manually like this and want to follow the best practices of Angular, it should be done from a directive.